Contact: Quency Phillips
Fuzion Athlete Management
Ketia4Kidz Foundation & WNBA Champion Ketia Swanier Hosts Fort Benning Ice Cream Party for the Kidz of the 3rd Brigade 3rd Infantry Division
ATLANTA – March 2, 2010 – Phoenix Mercury WNBA Champion, Ketia Swanier, continues her off-season work in the community, as she hosts an Ice Cream Party for the kidz of the deployed 3rd Brigade 3rd Infantry Division (currently in Iraq) in Fort Benning, Ga. The WNBA Champion will take time from her off-season training to treat the kidz to ice cream, as well as sign autographs and spend time discussing how she transitioned from military brat to WNBA champion.
“I know what it’s like to have parents deployed, and Fort Benning is already a special place to me,” said Swanier. “It will be nice to go back and see how the kidz are doing, since I last saw them after the season. I’m looking forward to a fun time, and giving the kidz – and their parents – another reason to smile.”
This is another event in a series of off-season programs for the Ketia4Kidz Foundation. In April, the foundation will hold its 2nd annual basketball classic at Fort Hood, TX, with more events being launched throughout the year. Over NBA All-Star Weekend, the foundation joined with Champions4Champions to put on a special basketball clinic for the children of Ft. Hood. The event was a resounding success, with more events being planned in the near future.
Ketia4Kidz Foundation, Inc is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization created to provide tangible support to the children of deployed and severely injured active duty military service members of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Foundation will provide enrichment activities and tutoring that nurture and sustain the children during the time a parent[s] is away in service to our country. Please check www.Ketia4Kidz.org for more details. Please contact Fuzion Athlete Management at Info@FuzionAM.com or at 773.359.3417 for information related to the event.
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